How to Become #1 on Google?

Graphic stating how to show up as number one on Google.

High search engine rank is the holy grail of online marketing… and for a good reason. It can mean a lot of traffic for your website and revenue for your business.

In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of how to achieve this coveted ranking – and bring in more leads and sales for your business!

One of the most important aspects of ranking number one on Google is using the right keywords in your website content. The more focussed your keywords are on YOUR best prospective customers, the greater the chance of reaching them in Google.

When you research which keywords to target, make sure to consider their popularity and how competitive they are. If you choose a keyword with too many competing websites, it will be much more difficult to rank at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

You’ll need to simultaneously optimize the site to gain search engine rank AND deliver the best search engine entries to grab attention and get someone to click through to your website. You’ll need to formulate your website's title tags, meta descriptions, headings, text, image names, and alt tags… and quite a few other factors. 

You can also improve your website's ranking by publishing high-quality content relevant to your target audience. One client had tens of thousands of visitors per month. About half came from just six keyphrases. The other half came from 1800 different phrases, many being just one, two or three people. Clearly, the only way to have the keywords to attract all those people is to have A LOT of relevant content.

And, of course, all your online marketing efforts like paid search advertising (PPC), social media marketing, and email outreach campaigns all build on and reinforce one another. As a general principle, when people see you multiple times and in different ways, they are more likely to click through and contact you.

In conclusion, the best way to rank number one on Google is by using effective SEO techniques for the right keywords. To check on your site’s current optimization state, please contact us for a free site analysis.

Contact us today if you would like a free SEO website analysis that will show you where your site ranks for the most important SEO factors.


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