Why Use New Alchemy Communications for your Online Marketing?

We'll help you get your message right,
and build an effective information website,
so you can educate, inspire, and ethically persuade your audience to buy.

We are Marketing and Communication Professionals First

Don’t make the mistake of hiring only someone who is primarily a designer or a programmer.

Yes, designers and programmers are a vital part of the team… and we have designers and programmers for when they are needed. But the HEART of marketing is crafting effective messages and reaching the right people.

How do you stand out in a crowded market? How do you speak WITH your customer - not AT them? How do you effectively communicate what you offer so people want to buy from you? This is the heart of marketing.

A Marketer understands branding, competitive advantage, market research, writing copy, ad strategy, promotion, and how to bring it all together into a package that turns free or paid traffic into paying customers.

Design and technology are just the ‘DELIVERY TRUCKS’ that carry what matters… what you want to tell people… your vital marketing messages about what you offer. And most designers and programmers are not ALSO marketing consultants.

New Alchemy Communications offers you their extensive background in marketing, with complementary knowledge in communications, education, design, and Internet technologies.

How We Deliver

New Alchemy Communications works in-house and with trusted associates to deliver the 20 percent most effective marketing methods that give 80 percent of the result. 

We do not offer cookie-cutter marketing. We work with our clients to discover what will be THE most effective marketing for you — at a reasonable cost. 

We begin every customer journey with a FREE 30-minute consultation to find out the fastest path to marketing success — based on your business and your budget.

Michael Linehan — Online Marketing Consultant

Michael has been helping small businesses grow their online presence since the mid-nineties. He is an expert in website marketing, copywriting for the Internet, and search engine optimization.

Michael also has an M.Ed. in Adult Education, specializing in curriculum and instruction.

Western Wind Energy
“I asked New Alchemy Communications to carry out an effectiveness analysis for our website. The detailed critique has provided many ways we can dramatically improve the operation, marketing, and use of our site. The Internet has a job to do and New Alchemy may just as well have written the job description.”
~ Claus Andrup, Director

Fiona Raven Design (40,000% ROI on her investment with New Alchemy Communications.)
“If Michael can do for you half of what he did for me, you won’t be able to handle the sales!”
Fiona Raven

KidPower (International Non-Profit - produced fifty times increase in site traffic, and assisted spread to several new countries.)
“Michael Linehan possesses a profound understanding of marketing, strategic planning, and the Web. His work with our organization has helped us to move forward at critical junctures in our development.”
~ Irene van der Zande, Executive Director: KidPower International

Contact Us Today
for your free consultation