Website Marketing

A website is THE core online marketing and sales tool for most businesses.

Social media are critical. Ads can be enormously powerful. Blogging, videos, reviews… it all helps. But the center of it all, for most small businesses, is the website.

Your website has two primary jobs to do:
1. To attract people by gaining rank in the search engines.
2. To sell effectively… to persuade them to carry out your “most desired response”… for example, to buy, phone you, fill out a quote query or sign up for a newsletter.

1. Gaining Rank in the Search Engines
What do you do when you want to buy something and you don’t know where to buy it? Almost certainly, you do a Google search.
Gaining search engine rank can still be the best return on investment for a small business... and even more so for a business that mostly sells locally.
In doing this work since the mid-nineties, we have been asked to evaluate many websites, and we have NEVER seen a site that couldn’t be dramatically improved. And that ranges from small B&Bs up to a wind farm company operating projects in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
It should be possible to improve your search engine rank, and the quality of your search entries that entice people to click through to your site. 

2. To Sell Effectively
A website’s potential lies in how compelling your marketing message can be, and how well it leads viewers to take the action you want them to take. 
A critical principle is… don’t make them think and don’t make them work. They DO NOT want to be figuring out where the critical information is. In fact, they just won’t bother. It’s got to be easy, simple and clear.
Anyone who comes to your website is looking for expert, empathetic GUIDANCE — from someone who understands their problem and can help them find a solution — YOU!
We’ll help you craft a compelling message that leads viewers to the action you want them to take. 

  • 1. We carry out an introductory FREE, no obligation analysis of your website.

    2. We have a call to discuss findings and prepare a no-obligation proposal to transform your site into a sales machine. 

    3. WE CONSULT WITH YOU AND RESEARCH your past customers and prospects, and your current and potential markets, to clarify their needs and perspective. 

    4. We discover what words and concepts are most meaningful to them and what will have the most impact.

    5. We analyze the research results to single out terms that are:
    - most closely related to your business.
    - specific and as far along the buying process as possible
    - highly searched, but not overwhelmingly competitive.

    6. WE OPTIMIZE YOUR WEBSITE (html code, images, links, visible text and more) to increase the chance of Google presenting your website for those searches… and to ATTRACT THE BEST PROSPECTS to your website.

    7. And we EDIT YOUR WEBSITE CONTENT to take people through a coherent sales process that will educate, inspire and ethically persuade them to buy from YOU.

    8. We provide a way to connect with those people who DO NOT buy, so you can continue to regularly provide information of value to them, and work towards a future sale.

    9. We MONITOR RESULTS, using Google Analytics and other tools, to continue to search engine rank and your site’s sales effectiveness.

- To check how well your site is optimized for search engine rank.
- To examine your site’s sales effectiveness.