What is in a Website Marketing Plan?

Graphic on creating a good marketing plan for your website.

Marketing plans vary greatly depending on the business and its goals. However, a good marketing strategy for a website will typically include some or all of the following elements:

  • A plan for driving traffic to the site, in many different ways

  • SEO and keyword research to help rank the site higher in search engine results pages

  • Creation and promotion of content that is relevant to the target audience

  • Use of social media marketing to reach a wider audience

  • Development of marketing campaigns specifically tailored to the website's goals

  • Analysis and measurement of results to track progress and adjust course as necessary

When creating or updating a website marketing plan, it is always helpful to consider the marketing funnel.

A marketing funnel can be utilized as an overview of how a customer progresses through the marketing process, from awareness to finally making a purchase.

The content provided on your website should be crafted with this marketing funnel in mind so that it can help guide visitors through each stage of their journey…

At this stage, the customer is just becoming aware of your business and may not even know that they need your product or service. Your website content should focus on introducing them to your brand and explaining what you do.

In this stage, the customer is starting to evaluate whether or not they need your particular product or service. They may be researching the different options available to them, such as reading reviews or comparing prices. Your website content should highlight how your business stands out from its competitors by explaining WHAT MAKES IT UNIQUE and better than other similar businesses. Give your prospective customers clear, powerful and inspiring reasons why they should buy from you rather than your competitors.

At this stage of the marketing funnel, the customer is ready to make a purchase decision. They may be prepared to buy now, or they may need some more information before deciding. Craft content to educate, inspire and ethically persuade people to buy from you.

At this stage of the marketing funnel, the customer has already made a purchase decision and is now a loyal customer. Your website content should encourage repeat purchases by highlighting the benefits of shopping with you again in the future (e.g., free shipping or special promotions).

There is no better salesperson than a raving fan. In this marketing funnel stage, the customer starts to tell others about their great experience. Your website content should focus on thanking them for their support and providing helpful resources that can encourage others to purchase your business. Don’t just rely on this happening. ASK for referrals and reward people for promoting your business.

By keeping the marketing funnel in mind when creating or updating your website marketing strategy, you can ensure that your content is tailored to help visitors at every stage of their journey. This will not only help you attract more customers, but it will also help increase the likelihood of them becoming loyal and advocate customers in the future.

Thank you for reading! I hope this information was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to help. :)

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