Writing Copy for a Website

Image about website copywriting.

When it comes to content writing, website owners have a lot of decisions to make. What should go on the homepage? What about the About Us page? And what's more important: getting the website content just right or focusing on search engine optimization (SEO)?

Some business owners might focus all their efforts on SEO because they think that will be the key to getting more website traffic. But while SEO is undoubtedly important, it's not the only factor determining how much traffic your website will get.

Your website content is one of the essential factors in determining whether people stick around on your site or not. People will leave your website in droves if your content is boring or irrelevant.. But if you have well-written, engaging content, visitors will be more likely to stick around and explore what else your website has to offer.

So focus on writing great content FIRST, and then take care of your SEO. Your website traffic will thank you for it.

Why Regular Content Addition is Important

There is no doubt that businesses need a website in this day and age. However, simply HAVING a website is not enough. You need to regularly take action to make your website visible in the search engines. And you also need to make sure that your website is interesting to viewers. 

One of the most powerful ways to do both it to regularly update your site with fresh content. Why is regular content addition so important? And how can it help your website? 

One of the most important reasons to add regular content to your website is that it helps you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Over many years, research has shown that websites with fresh content are more likely to appear at the top of SERPs than those without. This is because Google and other search engines see websites with new content as more valuable and authoritative than those without. Adding content is a way of saying, “I care about my site”.  When the search engines see that, then they “care” about it more too.

Adding regular content to your website also helps to keep your visitors engaged. If you check your site analytics, you will probably see that an appreciable number of people return multiple times.  If they visit your website and see that it is always up-to-date with fresh content that is of actual value to them, they will be more likely to return in the future. This increases the likelihood of them becoming customers or clients!

A final reason why regular content addition can help improve SEO rankings and traffic is that it gives search engines something new to crawl through, that can help you rank for new terms. 

Also, when you have good content, you may find people spontaneously linking to your site, and referencing your material in their articles or social media. This can bring you potential customers directly, and the links are also a factor that will reinforce your search engine rank.

One final thought on website content addition: always make sure that any new content is APPROPRIATE to the site and of GOOD QUALITY. This will ensure that visitors keep coming back, and it will also help with SEO rankings. If you struggle to produce high-quality content, consider hiring a professional writer or marketing agency to help out. There are many resources at your disposal to help you find the right content creation solution.

Are you looking for content writing help? Check out our services page to see how we can help you create content that engages your visitors and brings in more website traffic. Thanks for reading!

Contact us today if you would like a free SEO website analysis that will show you where your site ranks for the most important SEO factors.


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