Can you Pay Google to Rank Higher?

Graphic about improving ranking in Google.

For the great majority of businesses… If you want to be found online, you need to rank on Google.

But can you pay Google to help you rank higher? Is there a way to buy your way to the top? In this blog post, we will explore the topic of paid search engine optimization and answer these questions!

You can’t pay Google for search engine rank as such, but you can invest to rank higher in Google:

  1. You can pay for professional services to help you achieve a higher “natural” rank… natural being what Google shows viewers aside from the ads. People have far greater trust in the natural ranking than in ads.

  2. That said, you will get traffic from ads and can pay Google to show up in searches with the notation that viewers are seeing an ad.

What are Google Ads?
You can use Google Ads to gain visibility on the first page. This can be a great way to get more traffic and sales because it puts you in front of your target audience right when they are looking for products or services like yours! It also allows businesses to control their budget by setting daily spending limits so that there won't ever be any surprises on your bill from month to month. The downside for ads is that they can be VERY expensive for competitive keywords.

How does it work?
“Google Ads” is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising program that allows businesses to place ads on Google's search engine results pages (SERPs), based on an algorithm that they keep secret. Then, those ads are auctioned off to the highest bidder.

In other words, you can pay Google for more visibility, if you're willing to spend what can be a lot of money on paid advertising and have enough budget for it. Your ad payments can add up quickly if your site isn't bringing in a lot of traffic already. And remember, you'll also need to factor in the cost of designing and managing those ads as well.

So what does it take to get started with paid search engine marketing? You’ll need to do keyword research, write effective ads, understand analytics, and refine for maximum effect. You may want to try this yourself, but, for maximum effectiveness, we recommend hiring a professional to run your campaign.

Contact us today if you would like a free SEO website analysis that will show you where your site ranks for the most important SEO factors.


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