Five Super-Simple Email Tips that will Increase Your Trust Factor

Image with flying envelops to represent email marketing.

These tips are very simple, requiring almost no work. Collectively, they will help make your emails more professional and more likely to lead to a sale.

1. Capitalize your name in your email address.

Michael Linehan <>

michael linehan <>

Some people think that because the email address itself is lower case, their name should be lower case too. But your full name should always be capitalized. You can quickly change this in your email application.

2. Use your own website domain for your email address.

LIKE THIS — (or info, sales, inquiries… whatever is appropriate)


There are two reasons:
• Using your own domain looks more professional.
• Dedicated email providers are almost always more reliable than the bulk providers like gmail, hotmail, msn, aol and so on. Hotmail is particularly poor. It has long been a haven for spammers. Because of that, some services won’t handle hotmail emails at all and delivery rates are especially low compared to other services. 


3. Always include your phone number in an email signature.

Even if you have emailed someone a hundred times before.

You want it to be super simple if someone wants to call after reading your email. Make it easy for them! 

And have a website link they can just click on if they want to go to your site. Make it as convenient as possible to check your information. 


4. Include a brief summary of what your company is about in your email signature. 


Michael Linehan
New Alchemy Communications

UNDERSTAND your markets.
BUILD a powerful online presence.
SELL your products and services.

1.250.642.0589  |  text: 250.516.0589 

Providing a reminder, over and over and over, embeds in that reader’s mind that you are a company to contact about the solution they want  — maybe reaching the status of THE company.


5. Address your emails individually, whenever possible

Adding a contact's name with a "merge field"  is very simple for any online email service such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact, and for specialized programs for your computer such as Direct Mail.

Use whatever salutation seems appropriate for the relationship: Hi Jennifer, Hello Jennifer, Good Morning Jennifer… whatever is best for the tone you want to create.

If you can, avoid the common practice of addressing an email to “Email List” and then putting everyone’s addresses in the Bcc field… or, even worse, in the Cc field. Those people didn’t give permission for their email to be shared with everyone else on the list.

Studies show a markedly better response when emails are individually addressed with the person’s email address and start with their name.


Build an Email List… and Turn Your List Into Buyers

Get in touch if you need help getting started with a simple, powerful, budget-conscious email campaign. 

We define the best ways to attract your audience, and discover what they need to get to know, like, and trust you. Then we help you build an email list of engaged and motivated prospects to inform and sell to.

If you already have an email list you want to market to more powerfully, we help you write emails that will get opened and create sales.




Why a “WEBSITE ANALYSIS REPORT” is Critical for Your Online Marketing Success