It’s All About THEM

Graphic - connect with your clients from the heart.

You probably started your business because you believed in yourself and the value of your product.

Did you care about your clients? Did you have a vision of being of service? Did you want to improve people’s experience of the world? Didn’t you begin your business in a way we might call “from the heart”? 

The key to your greater success is in reconnecting with that fundamental urge to make a positive difference — and fully informing your every business activity with that motivation. Move to a heartfelt, positive, causal purpose.

Reconnect with your original purpose and express your genuine interest in your clients. Be passionate about them. Your purpose in business is to make life better for your team, clients, and all your contacts. Treat people as if they already are your best clients. Give heartfelt advice, not just information. 

People long to sense that you are really talking to THEM and that you understand their problems, needs, and dreams.

The ideal to strive for is to “Wow” your clients by delivering much higher than expected levels of quality and service — amaze your clients with how you treat them and what you sell them. This is a sure-fire way to distinguish yourself from most or all of your competition.

Satisfy their needs on every possible level — much more deeply than any run-of-the-mill business will. How can you have the most positive impact on them? Be impeccable. Always keep your promises. Always look for ways to go far beyond normal. Develop raving fans. You have to stand out in your client’s mind — at the top of the podium — Number One — The Gold Medal. 

People don’t buy just your product or service, as such; they buy their PERCEPTION of your product or service. ALL of these factors, above, add together to make up what your clients are actually purchasing, and the whole experience is what they will tell their friends about — not just the product/service itself. Satisfied customers don’t refer much — but raving fans refer A LOT. 

Connect with your Clients -- From the Heart

If you are serious about building your business, make it much more than just another kind of job where you just happen to be your own boss. When you are passionate about the special benefits you offer your clients, they will be too. When you re-create your higher vision that motivated you to go into business, you show people you care. When you go way beyond what your clients would regard as excellent, they will come back and bring others.

In the modern marketplace, people are starved for the feeling of connection, that someone sees them and cares about what they want. If you give them that, from your heart, everyone wins! Imagine writing your website, articles, social media posts, etc. 'from the heart', and how different that would be from most of what is out there. Would you buy from such a company? Hmmm.

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