Search Engine Optimization on Google

Graphic stating - three SEO tips to increase search engine rankings.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization - refers to a range of tactics to help web pages rank higher in search engine results… Google or Bing. (Bing has actually gained some market share and is now at about 6%.)

A page that ranks well might receive hundreds or thousands more visitors than those that appear lower down the search results list. SEO is the process of making a website's marketing and technical abilities work together to improve its visibility.

Many techniques can be used in SEO, but understanding how people search for information online is critical. The following are some tips that will help you improve your SEO ranking on Google:

Make sure your website is well designed and easy to use, as people are more likely to stay on a visually appealing site.  DON’T make people think or work.  Every time people are thinking, “Uhhhhh” or “What?”, you just lost a bunch of them.

- Use keyword-rich titles, descriptions and headings for your pages, which will help Google understand what your page is about.

- Include links to other related pages on your website, as this will help Google understand what other content may be relevant to the searcher.

- Include a brief paragraph at the bottom of each page with contact information.

SEO is an integral part of any online marketing strategy and should be a key focus for any business to grow its website traffic. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can improve your SEO ranking on Google and increase your chances of being found by potential customers. Thanks for reading!

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Tips for Search Engine Optimization


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