What Is The Difference Between Features and Benefits?

Graphic on features versus benefits.

When it comes to marketing, we often hear the terms "features" and "benefits." What do these words mean, and what is the difference between them?

In this blog post, we will explore the definitions of these words and discuss how to utilize both features and benefits in your company. By understanding the difference between these two concepts, you can create a more effective marketing strategy that will resonate with your customers!

Features are about your products and services, and about your company.

Benefits are the tangible outcomes that a customer can experience due to using your product or service. They may include improved quality of life, increased productivity, or financial savings.

While features are important, benefits are often what customers care about most. For example, think of a car commercial. They don’t show the brakes, even if they are excellent and innovative… or the shocks… or the engine. They show someone having fun and/or looking cool and being popular.

When making a purchase decision, customers will weigh the benefits of your product or service against the price and decide whether it is worth it for them. This is why it is so important to communicate the benefits of your offering in your marketing materials!

Benefits can be real and factual, or more imaginary, or even complete fantasy. A small small-business will do better to stick honestly to real and factual benefits.

By understanding the difference between features and benefits, you can create a more effective marketing strategy that will resonate with your customers. 

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